Studio News

April Newsletter

Check out what happened this month!

Virtual Visualization Series – Asset Building & Virtual Scouting

As we learned in our last two editions, previs combines with techvis to help creatives explore their vision and then bring it to life with surgical precision. This week, we’re taking a closer look at how 3D Assets are generated and prepared for use in the previs; and how recent advances in game-engine technology are…


Read how TTF contributed to the Netflix film, Extraction

Virtual Visualization Series – Techvis

What is Techvis? As we learned in the first edition of our series, previs serves as a creative sandbox that helps filmmakers and designers illustrate their vision and revise it many times before committing to a final plan. Approved previs shots and assets that “make the cut” contain a ton of useful information that can…

Virtual Visualization Series – Pitchvis & Previs

For more than 15 years, THE THIRD FLOOR has used virtual tools and workflows to help top creators design ambitious feature films, TV series, video games and theme park attractions. The art form of visualization is as exciting and boundless as an artist’s imagination, so we’re launching a Virtual Visualization Series to help demystify the…

TTF’s Response to Covid-19

THE THIRD FLOOR is happy to report that all of its employees are safe and working remotely. Our operations in LA, Atlanta, and London are fully operational due to our ability to work in a distributed manner from home. A special thanks to our IT, production departments and clients for making this technological feat possible….

March Newsletter

Check out what happened this month!

February Newsletter

Check out what happened this month!

January Newsletter

Follow the link to see what THE THIRD FLOOR has been up to over the month of January! Follow us on all social media! Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn THE THIRD FLOOR, INC.

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