Studio News


A man haunted by unknown memories finds himself unveiling a past of many lives and skills in  the science fiction action feature Infinite for Paramount+. Artists from THE THIRD FLOOR LA, led by Visualization Supervisors Josh Wassung and Jesse Lewis-Evans, worked with Director Antoine Fuqua as the film team developed several iconic street and chase…

Winter solider and Falcon- example of Postvis

The Falcon and the Winter Solider

In the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson/Falcon and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier test their compatibility as a team while taking on an action-packed mission in Marvel’s live-action series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Disney +).  Artists from THE THIRD FLOOR in Atlanta and Los Angeles worked from pre to post production helping to visualize…

The View From The Third Floor: James Burr

  What is your name and what is your position at TTF? James Burr -Supervisor at The Third Floor London How long have you been with TTF? Since 2012 and counting! What does your role look like day to day? As a Supervisor  it usually starts with having a meeting with our team  and co-ordinator…

April Newsletter

Follow the link to see what THE THIRD FLOOR has been up to over the month of April! Follow us on all social media! Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn YouTube THE THIRD FLOOR, INC.

Shadow and Bone

There is something lurking in the shadows….. it’s Netflix’s novel adaptation Shadow and Bone! The Third Floor London provided both previs and techvis for the series in the early production phase. The team was led by TTFL Visualisation Supervisors Joanne Smithies and Dave Edwardz, who led the band of artists on EP1 and EP8. As…

March Newsletter

Follow the link to see what THE THIRD FLOOR has been up to over the month of March! Follow us on all social media! Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn YouTube THE THIRD FLOOR, INC.

Godzilla vs. Kong

In Godzilla vs. Kong (Warner Bros.), two of the biggest beasts in the monsterverse clash in the most destructive battle yet!  THE THIRD FLOOR LA collaborated with Director Adam Wingard and the filmmakers to help fuel the development and evolution of key sequences through early-phase visualization.  Artists worked on site with the director, creating pitchvis…

THE THIRD FLOOR Receives 2021 Lumiere Award!

The Advanced Imaging Society today announced winners of the 11th Annual Entertainment Technology Lumiere Awards, recognizing technical achievements that are currently accelerating the entertainment industry. THE THIRD FLOOR is thrilled and honored to have received a 2021 AIS Lumiere Award for the company’s AR app Cyclops! Cyclops is a streamlined simulcam solution, able to be…

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

In the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame, Sam Wilson/Falcon and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier test their compatibility as a team while taking on an action-packed mission in Marvel’s live-action series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Disney +). Artists from THE THIRD FLOOR in Atlanta and Los Angeles worked from pre-production to post to visualize shots as…

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