





Please protect yourself from job scams and fraud

It has come to our attention that certain individuals are falsely claiming to represent The Third Floor (including impersonating and falsely using the names of current and past Third Floor employees) and contacting candidates with fake job offers, fake documents, and seeking personal information. They may also demand money (as a deposit, service charge, or security for example) from potential candidates.

Beware of hiring frauds. Do not provide your personal information or documents if you are unsure of the authenticity of a communication.

We will never ask you to pay money during the recruitment process. DO NOT PAY/WIRE ANY MONEY.

What to do after you have been contacted by someone pretending to be an authorized representative of The Third Floor?

The Third Floor does not ask job applicants to pay money.

All of The Third Floor opportunities are published on the page or The Third Floor LinkedIn page. If you are contacted and wish to verify the authenticity of a The Third Floor job opportunity, please check that the vacancy is listed on and apply directly through this page. You can also reach out to us directly via the email below to confirm.

Please report any suspicious e-mail/activity to along with a complete header of the e-mail, your full name and subject of the fraudulent e-mail.

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