In a fortuitous turn of events, a young girl encounters an unforeseen superhero in the Disney+ feature Flora & Ulysses, based on Kate DiCamillo’s children’s novel. THE THIRD FLOOR L.A. was engaged during post production to visualize the film’s super-powered squirrel and illustrate storytelling ideas of Director Lena Khan and her team. Using plate material and previs assets, artists worked with Visual Effects Supervisor Daryl Sawchuk to provide rough composites post-filming for storytelling and performances.
“From the Donut Diner to the Treehouse, it was such fun to work on these imaginative sequences, incorporating the filmmakers’ ideas for Ulysses through previs animation within the live plates and supporting VFX through this early blocking,” said Scott Hankel, Visualization Supervisor. “The process was helpful in informing their choices of which takes to use and as the beginning stage for the VFX teams’ very impressive final animation and CGI.”
Fly high with Flora & Ulysses on Disney+ today!
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